About the University
Teaching in English
Age:18-25 years old (as of September 1, 2024), be mentally and physically healthy, and possess a valid regular passport.
Application Documents
2.护照首页扫描件(普通护照,且有效期在至 2025 年 1 月1 日后)。
(2)持预毕业证明申请的学生,须于 2024 年 9 月入学前取得毕业证书,并完成上述学历认证。
(3)生源国高中统考成绩或国际通行标准化测试成绩,如UEC/A Level/ AP/IB/SAT/ACT 等。
8.个人陈述。不少于 500 字,内容为自我介绍、学习经历、来华学习目标和计划。英文授课项目的申请者请用英文书写。
9.《外国人体格检查表》及相关原始报告扫描件,须用中文或英文填写,并加盖医院的公章,体检有效期为 6 个月。
11.无犯罪证明。申请人须提交所在地的公安机关出具的有效期内的无犯罪记录证明,通常应为提交申请之日前 6 个月以内的证明文件。
12.本人近期 2 寸电子照片。
1.Application Form for International Students Study in the university.
2.A scanned copy of the first page of the passport (regular passport, valid through October 31, 2023).
3.Birth certificate
4.Parents’ identity documents
5.High school diploma or Certificate of Expected Graduation, bearing the stamp of the school.
(1) High school diplomas should be certified by the Ministry of Education or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the issuing country.
(2) Graduating high school students should submit a Certificate of Expected Graduation, issued by their high schools. They should obtain a high school diploma before their entry to the university in September 2024.
(3) No certification is required for degree certificates obtained in the Chinese Mainland (excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan).
(4) The originals of the diplomas and certification documents should be made available for verification upon enrolment at the university.
6.Academic transcripts for high school studies, bearing the stamp of the School.
(1) Graduating high school students should submit academic transcripts for each year of high school to date.
(2) High school graduates should submit a complete set of academic transcripts for high school.
(3) The results report of your national college matriculation exam or internationally accepted standardized tests, e.g., UEC/A Level/ AP/IB/SAT/ACT.
7.Certification of English Proficiency.
Applicants who have taken all courses in English during their high school studies are exempt from certificate requirement, but a medium-of-instruction certificate from the high school should be furnished. Native English speakers are exempt from this requirement.
8.Personal statement (minimum 500 words), which should include a Vself-introduction, a description of one’s educational experience, motivations for studying in China and study plan. Applicants for English-medium programs are expected to deliver it in English.
9.Foreigner Physical Examination Form, completed in Chinese or English, bearing the stamp of the hospital. Physical examination results are valid for 6 months.
10.Financial Support Guarantee Statement and its supporting documents completed in Chinese or English, certifying that the applicant has sufficient funds to cover his or her tuition, accommodation, living expenses and international travels during his or her study in China. Only applicant himself/herself or his/her family can act as a financial sponsor. The Statement should be accompanied by a copy of the financial sponsor’s valid passport or identification certificate. Applicants for scholarships are not exempt from this requirement.
11.Certificate of No Criminal Record. The applicants shall submit a valid Certificate of No Criminal Record issued by the local police, usually within 6 months before the date of submission of the application.
12.Recent 2-inch electronic photo of the applicant.
July 30th,2024
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