Category Archives: Scholarships

    Do you know MBBS?你了解MBBS吗?为您详细解读这个专业!

    Medicine is a very hot specialty all over the world. 在全世界范围内,医学都是一个非常火爆的专业。 Because of its practicality,...

    How to study in china over 6 months,we have an plan for you!

    As we all know, visa is an important part for foreign students who want to...

    Learn Chinese and bachelor programs more efficiently!

    Zhengzhou is the capital of Henan Province.It is rich in history and culture, and in this...


     关于开展“越中职业教育论坛暨院校展”的通知 各院校、企业和民间教育团体: 为积极响应中越两国政府联合声明,共同推动职业教育合作;顺应新一轮“双高”建设等教育强国战略要求,实现中越职业教育合作高质量发展,充分践行“办学能力高水平、产教融合高质量”职业教育发展基本要求,服务中越两国经济社会发展和在越中资企业本土技术技能型人才需要;中越职业教育共同体秘书处联合越南职业教育与社会工作协会共同组织“越中职业教育论坛暨院校展”。 此次会议将在越南劳动部职业教育总局和中国相关教育部门指导下开展,旨在促进中越两国职业教育、产业领域深度了解、促进中越院校深度交流,促进两国2025年产教融合合作,共同培养“精通中文、了解中国文化、具备理论和实践能力”越南本土技术技能型人才,以中越务实教育合作献礼2025年中越建交75周年。 为更好完善论坛内容、扩大论坛参与范围、实现论坛预期,现就越中职业教育论坛暨院校展相关安排通知如下: 01 会议主题: 产教同行赋能国际产能合作 02 会议时间: 2025年3月18日-3月21日 03 会议地点: 越南河内 04...

    A Great Program for the Greater Bay(Guangdong/Hongkong/Macau)

      If you are from Africa, West Asia or Southeast Asian countries, I think Guangdong must...


    On the morning of December 4, the opening ceremony of 2024 international language students was...

    The academic programs for Mar.2025春季,这些学历项目值得关注!

    江苏-镇江 JIANGSU-ZHENJIANG Category: spring semester,academic students Location: Zhenjiang, Jiangsu School advantage: located in the east coast...

    Study in wuhan!Full Scholarship!With stipend!Consult linca now!

    Hey,my dear fellows!I bet you must be deeply attracted by China’s ancient history and culture....

    Is HSK too difficult for you?Maybe you need this!

    Hey,my dear friends!When you choose to study in China, is the HSK certificate that sometimes...

    Free tuition&dorm!Appealing stipend(¥2500-7000/month)!

    Hey,my dear fellows!When you are applying for the programs of studying abroad,which factor will be...